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Cymon. Now you may go.
(GRYNDON disappears, and CYMON takes the sack.)
(To himself.)   A fortune! Dear Janetta!
      (He shows the sack full of coins.)
  I'm rich!
GRYNDON appears, his clothes all torn and himself the picture of misery.
    I hope you feel a little better.
Gryndon. Better! I'm ill, You've got my coin and papers,
(Aside.) I'm like boiled mutton, done to rags, with capers —
But I will be avenged.
Cymon.     You send your daughter;
  And also for this sack you'll send a porter.
Gryndon (servilely). Oh, anything for you, o'course, young mister,
  My turn will come; but oh! that was a twister.
(Aloud.) Ah! here she comes.
Cymon.     Janetta!
Janetta.       Dear Cy-mon!
(They run into each other's arms.)
Gryndon (aside, maliciously).        
  All right. Beware young man. I'm off! I'm "on!" (Exit.)
Cymon. Now all this money, dear, belongs to both —
To you and me. Your father wasn't loth
To yield to my request; in fact he jumped at it,
He jumped, in fact, so high, he quite got pumped at it.
Janetta. And now we'll marry, and be very happy,
And spare a little for my poor old pappy.
(Re-enter GRYNDON, leading MARQUIS, and two CONSTABLES, unperceived by JANETTA and CYMON.)
  We'll take a little house down by a brook
Live on the bank, and by our banker's book
Our house shall be a cheerful villa.
Cymon.         Where?
  Not by a brook — they've Veeping Villers there.
No, no — A little cottage we will find
I see before me —
Janetta (screaming).   Cymon! whip behind!
(They seize him, pinioning his arms, so that he cannot play.)
  Too late! Papa and Marquis, why this bobbery?
Marquis. This person is accused of highway robbery!
Gryndon. He stole my sack, he tore my coat and smalls,
He made me dance by playing Tearer's Halls.
Marquis. The case is proven. I'm a magis-trate,
So, sentence him at once — we needn't wait,
He's to be shot at once, with his own bow.
Cymon. Oh! Bow street magistrate.
Marquis.       Be off! Go, go!
CYmon. Oh, cruel fate! The verdict is unjust.
Why kill me like a fowl? You see I'm trussed.
Janetta. Let me be trussed with him.
Cymon (aside to her).     Oh, trust to me,
  And I will yet regain my libertee.
Marquis & Gryndon.        
  Away, away! We will not hear a word!
The sentence, the sentence, shall not be deferred.
Janetta & Cymon. In pity stay!
The Others. He must away!
Shoot him, shoot him,
Shoot him through the head!
Then when he's killed
He'll be as good as dead.
Cymon (plaintively.)
  One last request I'll make, you'll take
My life, my life, 'tis true.
But grant me, oh! before I go,
My last request — oh, do!
Marquis. What is it? Say.
Cymon. 'Tis, may I play
The fiddle?
Gryndon.   Nay.
Marquis. I say he may.
Gryndon. But do you know?
Marquis. I'll have it so —
Unbind his arms.
Cymon. Give me the bow. (The bow is given to him.)

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Page modified 23 December 2012