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(Music to be used with the following dialogue.)

Gryndon (in the bush).        
  Can't find the bird, No nest. Non est. No eggs.
(The fiddle begins slowly, and he begins moving.)
  Hallo! Hi! what's the matter with my legs.
Ho! stop your airs — Bellini's and Rossini's —
My joints are getting like a fanfoccini's.
The thorns are in my shoes — do stop your squeak —
My clothes are tearing — bran-new suit last week.
      (He is now dancing wildly.)
Cymon (still playing). Give me your daughter.    
Gryndon.       No.  
(CYMON plays wildly and Gryndon dances.)
Gryndon (jumping, shouting).     No! I mean yes!
Cymon (still playing). Give me two thousand crowns.
Gryndon (jumping and dancing).     I ac-qui-esce!
Cymon. Give me — now smile, and do not look so blackly —
Whatever's in the sack.
Gryndon.     No!    
(CYMON plays furiously, and GRYNDON is in agony.)
        Yes! Ex-sackly!

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Page modified 23 December 2012