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(Music to be used with the following dialogue.)

Cymon (about to play).      
  Lay hold of my coat. (JANETTA does so.)
Now, with the first note<
Although dance music I never wrote,
Yet now you will see<
While they listen to me,
That all will dance to my fiddle de dee.
(Different movements. All gradually dance faster and faster.)
All except Janetta & Cymon.)
  Ho! Hi! Stop! Ho!
Don't! Do! Stop your bow!
It's magic! It's awful! It isn't a dream!
It's a fast train! — express!
Hi! we're going by steam!
Cymon. Stir your pegs.    
All. See their/ Oh! my legs.
  They are/ We are bewitched, sure as eggs is eggs.
Cymon (to MARQUIS).        
  Give up Janetta!
Marquis.   . Yes I do    
Cymon. Say I'm not guilty.
Marquis.     And that too.    
Cymon. The money you gave me is mine for life.
Gryndon. It is, it is.        
Janetta.   And I'm his wife?
Gryndon & Marquis.
  You are, you are! Oh stop, do stop.
Or down in a fit we'll both of us drop.
(CYMON makes a very rapid and fast finish. They all drop exhausted.)

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Page modified 23 December 2012