July 1997
It is my intention that this web site will be a living conversation. As interesting conversations about Iolanthe occur on the SavoyNet, I will add them to this site. If there are ever some good postings about the women's roles in Iolanthe, they will definitely be added.
The following discussion is a compilation of the thoughts and opinions of subscribers to the SavoyNet Maillist between 21 May 1997 and 4 Jun 1997. It should be noted that, while many of the contributors have performed in, and/or extensively researched, IOLANTHE, the following opinions reflect the personal views of the individual contributors to which they are attributed.
The archivist's comments, which are kept to a minimum, are given in italics in order to distinguish
them from the main discussion. They consist mostly in identifying points in the discussion where
another thread was started and which is more appropriately placed under a different heading.
Many SavoyNetters are fond of using acronyms for some common (and, occasionally, uncommon) phrases. However, for others these remain a profound mystery and even an irritant. I had originally thought of substituting the complete phrase where these occurred in the discussions but that would be to remove what is a characteristic aspect of SavoyNet postings. Instead, I have left them untouched but provided a section where all those that occur in these discussions are translated ( at least I think they are!).
A discussion of the Orchestration for Iolanthe
David Craven inspired a lot of discussion with his postings about what he called the "defects" in Iolanthe. His four "defects" and the discussion they led to are:
Updated 28 November 1997