Gilbert and Sullivan Archive



AOS - Amateur Operatic Society

ASS - Arthur Seymour Sullivan

BTW - By The Way

DCOC - D'Oyly Carte Opera Company

D'OC or D'C or DOC - D'Oyly Carte - either the man himself or the D'Oyly Carte Opera Company

FQ - Fairy Queen

G&S - Gilbert and Sullivan

IMHO - Humble Musical Appreciation

HTML - HyperText Markup Language

IMHO - In My Humble Opinion

LC - Lord Chancellor

LT - Lord Mountarart

LT - Lord Tolloller

OOTW - Opera Of The Week. This was the general topic heading under which the G & S operas were discussed.

TZS - Tom Shepard

WSG - William Schwenk Gilbert

Other translations:

centre - center
colour - color
endeavour - endeavor
faerie - fairy
favoured - favored
favourite - favorite
favouritism - favoritism
flavour - flavor
fulfil - fulfill
humour - humor
marvellous - marvelous
metre - meter
moustache - mustache
realised - realized
theatre - theater
travelling - traveling

Updated 28 November 1997