No. 5: CHORUS.
Enter Chorus of Girls, led by ELLA.
Here are warriors all ablaze, Sabre and epaulettes, ha! ha! All of them ordered to spend their days Practicing minuets, ha! ha! Never was seen such tawdry trickery, Soldiers, tough as oak or hickory, Turned to votaries of Terpsichore, Mincing marionettes, ha! ha! Never was seen in soldier’s training Spectacle half so entertaining! Never was seen such tuppeny trickery — Soldiers, tough as oak or hickory, Turned to votaries of Terpsichore, Mincing marionettes, ha! ha!
Enter soldiers dancing, led by HAROLD and followed by BLANCA.
Though I’m a soldier, all pugnacity, Into your presence I’m made to come In the contemptible capacity Of a confounded teetotum!
In the contemptible capacity Of a confounded teetotum!
Although the Governor’s jokes are numerous, This is a joke we fail to see — If this is the Governor’s fun so humorous, Bother the Governor’s fun, say we!
If this is the Governor’s fun so humorous, Bother the Governor’s fun, say we!
Oh you may laugh at our dancing-schoolery — It’s all very well, it amuses you, But how would you like this dashed tomfoolery Every day from ten to two?
How would you like this dashed tomfoolery Every day from ten to two?