Dialogue following No. 4
NANNA. Oh, Thora! (laughing.)
THORA. Oh, Nanna! (laughing.)
NANNA. They believe it all!
THORA. Every word!
NANNA. What geese!
THORA. Personal Physician to the King!
NANNA. Sculptor Extraordinary to the Royal Family!
THORA. It serves them right for presuming to aspire to our affections. It was papa’s idea! Oh, it’s a grand thing to have a father who will condescend to play practical jokes on the very meanest rather than allow the family dignity to be insulted.
NANNA. Dear papa! He has such humour!
THORA. So much invention!
NANNA. Such an uncontrollable flow of animal spirits!
THORA. Such a gentle, harmless, refined, and utterly inoffensive notion of fun! Here he comes, attended by his guard — all drilled as ballet-girls. Now there’s a happy idea!
NANNA. Delightful! Dear papa is never so happy as when he is making dignified people ridiculous!