You are here: British Musical Theatre > Musicals > Kitty Grey > Act 2, No. 10

No. 10 - Chorus and Scene - "The Count of Gardavo."


Girls: Oh, Kitty, just think what fun,
For now that the piece is done,
We're going to sing
and to sup with a King —
At least we believe he's one.
Men: He calls himself Gardavo,
But we hear from the men that know
He's no such thing, but a regular king
Who travels incognito.
All: Incognito, incognito,
Who travels incognito,
From the noble earl to the ballet girl,
From the chorister to the star,
Both lower and upper,
he's asked us to supper,
And begged us to come as we are, we are,
We're going to sup as we are.
Kitty: Well, I hope he won't mind
If he chances to find
One more at the feast than he reckoned;
I am going to bring
To the hall of the King
My cousin, Miss Kitty the second.
Chorus: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
Hurrah for Miss Kitty the second!
Edith: Tho' I am not the queen
Of the stage and the scene,
The diva of dance and of ditty,
Yet I cherish the dream
That I some day may seem
A cousinly copy of Kitty!
Chorus: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
She's really the image of Kitty.
Karl & Fritz: The Count of Gardavo!
Chorus: The Count of Gardavo!
Florence: Your Majesty!
King: Oh, don't my dear,
Pray let me be a simple peer,
A Count at most, and for the rest,
I am your host, and you my guest.
Chorus: Bravo, bravo, bravo, bravo!
Long live the King, Long live the King,
The Count of Gardavo!
Baron: From strange and foreign climes,
No matter where they are,
To have some jolly times
Our friend has journeyed far.
He loves the fairer sex,
He is a noble count,
And he's cheque, cheque, cheque,
cheque, cheque, cheque, cheques,
To a very, very large amount!
Chorus: He has cheque, cheque, cheque,
cheque, cheque, cheque, cheques,
To a very, very large amount!
King: I'm ready to enjoy
A dive in pleasures whirl,
To drink with any boy,
To flirt with any girl;
I've pearls for pretty necks
Too numerous to count,
And I've cheque, cheque, cheque,
cheque, cheque, cheque, cheques,
To a very, very large amount!
Chorus: He has cheque, cheque, cheque,
cheque, cheque, cheque, cheques,
To a very, very large amount!
Kitty: Dear little Love,
Flying above,
Sending below
Shafts from your bow,
Smile on our revel, and give as you hover
Passion and pleasure to lover and lover,
Pour in the wine madness divine,
Breathe in the kiss
Rapturous bliss,
Laugh and remember never, never,
Morning will come to bid us sever
But love on and laugh on for ever.
Chorus: Oh, come and scatter flowers
And kisses in showers
Over us laughing,
Dancing and quaffing,
Oh come, until the morning
Gives woeful warning
That all our splendid
Revel is ended.
King: Come and attack us,
Cupid and Bacchus.
All: Dear little Love,
Flutter above,
Pour in our wine
Madness divine;
What is to come we'll think of never,
But laugh on and love on for ever,
Kitty: Ever.
Chorus: Oh, come to us, Love,
Oh, dear little Love.

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British Musical Theatre | Musicals | Kitty Grey

Page modified 2 January 2017