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No. 6 - Duet - Amasis & Anhotep - "Tell me you hate all other men."


Anhotep: Tell me you hate all other men,
I'll ask no love of you.
Amasis: Suppose I should discover then
You'd not enough for two.
Anhotep: I think there'll be a great uproar —
I may be told to pack.
Amasis: But if they shut the great front door,
I'll let you in the back.
Anhotep: The back,
Amasis: The back,
Both: The back, I'll/you'll let you/me in the back.
Anhotep: I dare not swear upon my life
How far my love might carry me,
Amasis: But if I say I'll be your wife,
I know you'll want to marry me.
Anhotep: My life's in peril if I speak,
I don't want to alarm you.
Amasis: Oh, I shall die within a week
If anything should harm you.
Anhotep: Harm me,
Amasis: Harm you,
Anhotep: Harm me,
Both: If anything should harm you/me.
Anhotep: One little token you must give,
One kiss, half tears, half laughter!
Amasis: This hour is heaven, though we live
Unhappy ever after.
Both: One little token you must give,
One kiss, half tears, half laughter!
This hour is heaven, though we live
Unhappy ever after, after, after,
Unhappy ever after.

British Musical Theatre | Musicals

   Page created 27 September 2016 .