You are here: The Gilbert and Sullivan Archive > American Musical Theatre > Rob Roy > Act 2 No. 18

No. 18 - Finale Act II


Capt. Sheridan & Lieutenant:
  Our pris'ner is the Prince,
Soldiers: 'Tis he!
Sheridan & Lieut.: And highly rewarded we will be:
Come, let's rejoice, merrily all.
We have taken him.
Soldiers: We have taken him, he is ours!
Prince: No Prince am I, I must deny!
Sheridan: Your costume is humble, your rank is high.
Prince: I'm but a lad of low degree,
Sheridan: You're little like royalty, I agree.
Chorus: He's little like royalty, we agree.
Servants: And yet the Prince is he!
To the camp with you now,
Take the scamp with you now.
Sheridan & Lieut.: He's caught at last!
Chorus: Our pris'ner is the Prince, 'tis he!
And well rewarded we will surely be:
Prince: No Prince am I. All I deny.
Chorus: For long we have sought him,
But now we have caught him at last!
Sheridan: He's ours at last; so ho!
Come, let us go!
News of the capture
The camp will enrapture, my lads; so ho!
Ensemble: Come, let us go!
News of the capture
The camp will enrapture, my lads!
Hurrah! Hurrah!
Chorus: We've caught the Prince!
Principals: Hurrah! Hurrah!
Chorus: We've caught the Prince! Hurrah! Hur...
Highlanders (off stage) Claymore! Claymore! Hech! Ho!
Chorus: How now?
Highlanders: Claymore! Claymore! Hech! Ho!
Chorus: What means this call?
Highlanders: Claymore! Claymore! Hech! Ho!
Chorus: Who calls?
Highlanders: Claymore! Claymore! Hech! Ho!
Chorus: So ho!
To his rescue they come. To arms!
Rob Roy: Highlanders, there are your foes,
Give them a taste of your steel!
Captive is he who should ever be free;
Up! at them, ye sons of the leal!
Lochiel: Highlanders, would ye stand by,
Victims of fear and alarms,
While comrades are led to a fate that we dread;
Now a rescue, my lads, to your arms!
Highlanders: To arms!
Rob Roy & Lochiel: Then swing the Claymore and smite the targe!
Tammas & Highlanders:
  To arms!
Rob Roy & Lochiel: Then swing the claymore and sound the charge!
All: Sound the charge!
Rob Roy & Lochiel: With a clang and a clash
Let the good blades flash,
With a clang and a clash
Let the good blades flash,
And the craven foe will run away.
Janet & others: Our Prince we'll save!
Swing the claymore, my laddies, and smite the targe!
Rob Roy & others: Then swing the claymore and sound the charge!
To arms!
Highlanders: With a clang and a clash
Let the good blades flash,
With a clang and a clash
Let the good blades flash,
And the craven foe will run away.
Janet: Ah, a captive our Prince will be!
Chorus: Fight on, my lads!
Rob Roy & Lochiel: We'll strike for Fatherland and hame!
Janet & others: Too late! All now is lost.
Flora: Hold! I command you, both my friends and foes!
Down with your weapons! Down with your weapons!
I'll the truth disclose.
Highlanders: 'Tis Flora!
Janet & Prince: 'Tis she!
Highlanders: What would she do?
Chorus: Who can this be?
Highlanders: 'Tis she!
Chorus: Who can this be?
Flora: Your pris'ner is my servant:
Now set him free!
You come, you come to seek Prince Charles,
And I am he!
Soldiers & Servants: Ha! It is the Prince!
Rob Roy & Lochiel: Can it be?
Janet & others: She shall not go to the camp away.
Capt. Sheridan: Which of the two the Prince can be?
One I must take, and one set free.
You shall decide us, tell us and guide us,
Which of the two shall go with me, now tell?
All: Which one?
Mayor: I can upset all you have planned,
But if you'll promise me your hand,
I'll manage it neatly, very completely.
Flora: Silence then! and accept my hand.
Mayor: Well then, gentlemen, there's your man!
Capt. Sheridan: Arrest him!
Highlanders: Perfidy! all is lost!
Chorus: Arrest him!
Highlanders: Treachery to our cause!
Chorus: Arrest him!
Capt. Sheridan: Now up, boys, and away, boys!
To a double quick march away;
No longer can we stay, boys,
We must get to the camp today, boys,
We must get to the camp, must get to the camp today.
All: To the camp they'll take her now.
Chorus: Now up, boys, and away, boys!
To a double quick march away;
Highlanders: We are true and will save thee still,
We will save thee still, we'll save thee still!
Chorus: To the camp today, to the camp,
Away, to camp! We have the prize!
Highlanders: They'll not keep their prize;
We'll rob them of their prize;
Principals: We will set thee free,
Ay, we will haste to rescue thee;
Chorus: Arrest him, carry him, carry him;
Readily, steadily, to our camp away, to camp,
Highlanders: The Prince! We are here to save,
They have the prize at last,
We will save him still!
Capt. Sheridan: To camp with him away.
So readily, steadily, readily, steadily on.
Highlanders: Alas our cause is lost!
Alas! our cause is lost, is lost,
We will save!

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American Musical Theatre | Rob Roy

Page modified 18 February 2017