Haddon Hall
Derbyshire, England

The Mountaineers Libretto by Guy Eden

  The Mountaineers is a musical comedy written, produced and directed by Guy Eden, with music by Reginald Somerville. This opera first appeared at the Savoy Theatre on September 29, 1909 under the management of Charles Workman. Workman was the principal comedian at the Savoy, and was famous for his portrayals of the comedy roles in Gilbert and Sullivan operas. Roles like the Major General and Sir Joseph and KoKO and Jack Point, and he was very famous in London and the provinces. Upon retirement of Mrs. D'Oyly Carte in March 1909, Workman took over Savoy management in an effort to keep Savoy traditions in London going, and rather than produce the works that made him famous, he presented entirely new pieces in the same way that Richard D'Oyly Carte did in the 1890s when Gilbert and Sullivan were not working together and The Mountaineers was the first production in Workman's season of light opera.
  The Mountaineers libretto was contributed to this web site by Scott Farrell, an expert on the life and career of Charles Workman. He is the author of The Final Savoy Operas: A Centenary Review.

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