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Web Opera
Song No. 11
MIDI File 19K, 2 minutes 37 seconds.
I'm a simple little child,
And my ways are nice and mild,
And I never harmed a soul in all my life.
And I don't know what is wrong,
As my principles are strong
For this hemi-sphere of wickedness and strife.
I have bracelets it is true,
And I've diamonds, just a few,
That are locked up in a chest of drawers at home.
And a dressing case with tops
Of gold and diamond drops,
But I haven't an idea from whence they come.
And the bouquets come in showers
Of the most expensive flowers
That Covent Garden Market can provide.
While it happened once last year
That a park hock did appear:
The very best of thorough-breds to ride.
I have dresses by the dozens
But they're given me by my cousins
Who have known me ever since I was that high,
And tickets for the play
Are sent me ev'ry day,
But I'm sure I never can imagine why.
 Off Monroe Players (2001) |
To Greenwich in the season,
I have been and for the reason,
That I did not like my cousin to offend.
But I sav'd my reputation,
To his very great vexation,
By driving back to London with his friend.
On more than one occasion,
After very great persuasion,
I have driven down to Richmond with his brother.
And once, I do remember,
In the middle of September,
To Hampton Court I travelled with another.
It is true I went to Dover,
When the season was just over,
But then it was with George, I should say Harry.
And Harry, I mean Charlie,
Or was it Thomas Parlie,
Was the only man I ever meant to marry!
It might have been the other,
Or it might heve been his brother,
But neither could I ever bear to part.
And whichever of the two
It really was, it's true
That I loved him from the bottom of my heart.