Gilbert and Sullivan Archive
The Prodigal Son
No. 14: RECIT. & ARIA (BASS)
MIDI File [21K, 3'34"]
Bring forth the best robe,
and put it on him,
and bring hither the fatted calf,
and kill it;
and let us eat,
and be merry.

The Return of the Prodigal Son
Francesco da Ponte the Younger, c 1575
For this, my son, was dead,
and is alive again;
he was lost,
and is found,
he was lost,
and is found.
For this, my son, was dead,
and is alive again;
he was lost,
and is found,
he was lost,
and is found. |
Like as a father pitieth his own children,
even so is the Lord merciful to them that fear Him.
Like as a father pitieth his own children,
even so is the Lord merciful to them that fear Him.
Blessed be God who hath heard my pray'r,
and not turned His mercy from me!
Blessed be God! who hath heard my pray'r,
and not turned His mercy from me!
Blessed be God! who hath heard my pray'r,
and not turned His mercy from me!
For this, my son, was dead,
and is alive again;
he was lost,
and is found,
he was lost,
and is found.
Blessed be God, who hath heard my pray'r,
and not turned His mercy from me!
Page created 1 September 2003