The Gilbert and Sullivan Archive > Arthur Sullivan > Hymns
Arranged by Sullivan for inclusion in “Church Hymns with Tunes”, S.P.C.K., 1874.

1 |
For all Thy love and goodness, so bounti-|-ful and free, |
Thy name, Lord, be adored! |
On the wings of joyous praise our hearts soar | up to Thee: |
Glory to the Lord! |
2 |
The spring-time breaks all round about, waking from | winter’s night: |
Thy name, Lord, be adored! |
The sunshine, like God’s love, pours down in floods of | golden light: |
Glory to the Lord! |
3 |
A voice of joy is in all the earth, a voice is in | all the air: |
Thy name, Lord, be adored! |
All nature singeth aloud to God; there is gladness | everywhere: |
Glory to the Lord! |
4 |
The flowers are strewn in field and copse, on the hill and | on the plain; |
Thy name, Lord, be adored! |
The soft air stirs in the tender leaves that clothe the | trees again: |
Glory to the Lord! |
5 |
The works of Thy hands are very fair; and for all Thy | bounteous love |
Thy name, Lord, be adored! |
But what, if this world is so fair, is the better | land above? |
Glory to the Lord! |
6 |
O, to awake from death’s short sleep, like the flowers from their | wintry grave! |
Thy name, Lord, be adored! |
And to rise all glorious in the day when Christ shall | come to save! |
Glory to the Lord! |
7 |
O, to dwell in that happy land, where the heart cannot choose | but to sing! |
Thy name, Lord, be adored! |
And where the life of the blessèd ones is a beautiful | endless spring! |
Glory to the Lord!
Alleluia! Amen. |
William Walsham How, 1871..
The Gilbert and Sullivan Archive | Arthur Sullivan | Hymns
Page modified 17 August 2011