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Where am I? I've gone wrong. Let me think. Count
Vasquez was right. What did he say to me? "Pedro
Griggo" - that's Spanish for Peter Grigg - "don't go
alone in the mountains." I wish I had taken his advice.
Yet, I'm artistic, I love solitude! Not too much of it
at a time; and I prefer it when I've got some one to
share it with me. It's this confounded camera that has
laid me astray. Let me see: how was it? Oh, of course -
In consequence of my ardent desire to show my wife,
on my return to England, where I had been, and how I
had personally conducted myself, I've lugged about this
infernal machine everywhere. I've "taken" everything
that came in my way: brooks, rocks, and I'd have taken
a five-barred gate if there'd been one in my way. Well
- two more views, my friend - confidentially "in
camera" - and down I go. Oh! how I wish there was some
one here to guide my steps safely back to Compostello.
Talking of guiding my steps, won't my wife be
astonished when I show her how to dance the bolero, the
cachuca, and the wizzimarilla. That's a round dance -
all Spanish - I learnt them from a dancing mistress in
Compostello - I shall tell my wife it was a dancing
master - sounds better and avoids discussion. I'm so
fond of it! dancing I mean, not discussion. It's so
exhilarating - but now to business -
By this time he has arranged the camera and disappears under cloth.
Page created 26 October 2003