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Key to measure indications:
A/B/C = Page/System/Measure
18/4/2: |
Men's chorus, dotted eighth-note on "much." |
83/2/2 |
In Ralph's part, the last three notes of the measure should be
C-natural, not Cb. |
86/3/2: |
Lyrics should be "Who gives up home..." (not "And gives up home..."). |
94/1/4: |
Not an error, but possibly helpful to add a courtesy G natural to Hebe's note ("flash"), as with the chorus sopranos. |
105/2/3: |
For "Thristy" read "Thirsty." |
105/4/1: |
Corcoran's rhythm in the first two beats should probably be quarter/quarter rather than dotted-quarter/eighth (same as 105/4/3). Otherwise, "-nut snatch" is just too hard to sing! |
109/3/2: |
There should not be a comma after "sofa," as the correct phrase is
"luxurious sofa pillows" (thanks to Katie Holler for identifying this erratum). |
143/4/1: |
Lower chorus staff should be bass clef, not treble clef. |
144/2/1: |
Chorus text should be "sisters, nor his cousins," not "cousins, nor his sisters." |
4/2/4: |
R.H. rhythm should be eighth-eighth-quarter. |
17/4/4: |
Piano chord should be tied to the next measure (ties appear at the beginning of page 18, but should also be shown at the end of page 17). |
36/2/1-2: |
C# rather than C-natural in R.H., as in 10/1/2-3. |
71/2/4: |
Not an error, but possibly helpful to add a courtesy G natural in the second piano chord. |
87/3/5: |
A Bb7 chord should be played on beat 4 (brass), as follows: |
Thanks are due to Benjamin Kwong for pointing out this orchestral detail. |
97/1/1-5: |
The first phrase should be staccato (pizz. strings). |
105/3/3: |
L.H. piano should be F-G-A, not F-F-G. |
136/4/4: |
L.H. should be D-F#-A-A (last A goes down an octave). Clarinet canon should begin on beat 3 (add to piano part).
I play it as follows: |
137/3/2: |
R.H. chord on 3rd beat should be A-D-E, not A-C#-E (per Broude full score). |
137/4/3: |
R.H. should have a G on beat 3 (below notated A, played by thumb). |
141/4/3: |
L.H. should have a quarter rest on the second beat. |
Page modified 19 August 2011