No 45 Autumn 1997 Edited by Michael Walters
This was an entertainment written and introduced by Victor Golding, and performed by Kingsbury Amateur Operatic Society for the Gilbert and Sullivan Society. I cannot recall the date. The story was rather rambling, and little more than a peg on which to hang lots of songs to give everyone in the cast something juicy to do. The pianist was late arriving, and had all the music, a substitute carried on to begin with! The numbers, which I jotted down as the piece proceeded, were as follows: Act 1. scene 1. A Court Room. Intro to Judges Song; turn oh turn in this direction; Silvered is the raven hair (pianist had to borrow the singer's music!) Scene 2. St. Mary Axe. I worked with John Wellington Wells (sung by "Harry Marnese"); Oh, I have wrought (interrupted when the proper pianist arrived). Scene 3. On board H.M.S. Petticoat. None shall part us; Gaily tripping; I am the Captain of the Petticoat; My well loved lord; In sailing o'er life's ocean wide; My lords it may not be; A harpist I; He loves her - horror; Patience Act 1 finale. Scene 4. Night on board ship. Little maid of Arcady; Prithee pretty maiden; For she is such a sweet little craft; Oh dry the glistening tear; Fair maids [moon!]; Sir, you are sad; Comes the pretty young bride; To thy fraternal care; It's understood I think all round (first part).
Scene 5. Entrance of Pirates. On the good ship lollipop; Here's your crowbar; Come friends who plough the sea; Foreward men and seize; When Frederic was; Oh is there not one maiden breast; Poor wand'ring one; Then away we go to an island fair. Act 2. scene 1. Utopia. In lazy langour motionless; My people all. Scene 2. The island of Wornabros. [Warner Bros.] Search throughout the panorama; Now hearken to my strict command; Won't it be a pretty wedding; When a merry maiden marries; Over the bright blue sea; I am the monarch; Must we till then in prison cell be thrust; For a month to dwell; Oh gentlemen listen I pray; That seems a reasonable proposition; A many years ago; Oh my adored one, beloved boy; Here take her sir (original ending to Pinafore); Hail o king of a golden land; Away with them and place them at the bar (original ending to Pirates Act 2); The threatened cloud has passed away. That's all I can remember about it!
Web page created 25 July 1998