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No. 8: Glee (Pitti-Sing,Katisha, Ko-Ko, Pooh-Bah & Mikado)
"See how the Fates their gifts allot"

Ko-Ko, Pooh-Bah & Pitti-Sing. |
If I were Fortune — which I'm not — B should enjoy A's happy lot, And A should die in miserie — That is, assuming I am B. |
Mikado & Katisha. |
But should A perish? |
Ko-Ko, Pooh-Bah & Pitti-Sing. |
That should he (Of course, assuming I am B). |
All. |
B should be happy! Oh, so happy! Laughing, Ha! ha! Chaffing, Ha! ha! Nectar quaffing, Ha! ha! ha! But condemned to die is he, Wretched meritorious B! But condemned to die is he, Wretched meritorious B! |
Exeunt Mikado and Katisha.
Page revised 17 March, 2010