
The Amber Ring has published full scores of several works by Sullivan in new editions. For many works, the orchestral material is also available. |
Bagaduce Music Lending Library — if you don't want to purchase the scores, here is a great place to borrow them. They have G&S scores, and you can borrow them by mail at very reasonable rates. |
Bookfinder.com — Surveys a number of of book sites all at once and provides a complete list. Much more convenient than having to do each one separately.. |
C20th — a selection of memorabilia for sale, ranging from theatre programmes to ceramics and including not only rare nineteenth century material, but also more recent items such as books, and souvenirs of D'Oyly Carte productions in the C20th. The independent work of both Gilbert and Sullivan is included, as well as some items relating to operetta by other authors and extra-curricular performances by D'Oyly Carte regulars. |

Christopher Browne's Gilbert & Sullivan Catalogue — Many different items, including books, libretti, sheet music, postcards, posters and recordings. |
The Costume Site — Hundreds of links to online costuming sources for historical, science fiction and fantasy costumers. |
The Costumer's Manifesto - Costumes.org — Many hundreds of links to online costuming sources of all types. |

D'Oyly Carte Opera Company — The music hire library has available full orchestra sets for the 13 Gilbert and Sullivan Operas, and two piano editions for several of the operas. They also have librettos for the 13 G&S Operas, and D'Oyly Carte Opera Company recordings on CD. |

Gilbert and Sullivan Shop Online — The Gilbert and Sullivan Shop Online searches the Internet to find 100s of G&S resources such as musical scores, libretti, CDs, audio cassettes, videos, DVDs, books, children's versions, performance aids, memorabilia, midi files, gifts and much more. By grouping them by format and opera and providing direct links, they will save you considerable searching. |
G&S Works, Inc. provides affordable, specialized orchestrations to theaters that require a smaller orchestra for their G&S operettas.
These orchestrations provide a rich, full sound from a smaller ensemble. Three orchestrations are currently available: "The Pirates of Penzance," "H.M.S. Pinafore," and "The Gondoliers." |
Harlequin Costume — Have specialized in Gilbert & Sullivan, opera, operetta and musical theatre costumes for over 20 years. Based in Winnipeg, Canada, they have shipped G&S costumes all across Canada, throughout the continental U.S.A. and have even supplied costumes for Pirates to a group in Hong Kong. |
Musical Solutions — G&S MIDI Rehearsal Files — David Cookson's site includes MIDI rehearsal files for all the G&S Operas, plus Cox and Box and Haddon Hall. |
Note8 Music Typesetting and Publishing — Note(subscript)8 Music Typesetting and Publishing - specializing in Gilbert and Sullivan orchestra materials. Typeset conductor's scores and orchestra parts for Sorcerer, Princess Ida, and Cox and Box. Rental of manuscript orchestra parts for Pinafore, Patience, Iolanthe, Mikado, and Yeomen. Includes the hard-to-find conductor's and orchestra scores for Utopia, Limited. |
Opus 1 Music — Exclusive North American agents for rental of "The Newby Scores" of the 13 G&S operas. The arrangements are
scored for as few as 12 or 13 instrumentalists (or as many as the music director cares to include) and still maintain a balanced, artistic accompaniment. The "Newby Scores" have been used all over the English-speaking world. |
Papers, Presentations and Patter: A Savoyards' Symposium – Papers presented at the International Gilbert & Sullivan Festival in Gettysburg, PA, in June 2011. Edited, and with an Introduction by Ralph MacPhail, Jr.; Foreword by Rich Wiley. Contributors: Harry Benford, Ian Bradley, Elise Curran, John E. Dreslin, Thomas Drucker, Al Grand, William Hyder, Sylvan H. Kesilman, Daniel Kravetz, Shane K. Magargal, Marc Shepherd, J. Donald Smith, Andrew Vorder Bruegge and Carolyn Williams. |
Pattersong Music - Reduced orchestrations of The Mikado, Pirates & Patience are available for hire from Martin Paterson. These use just nine players, but keeps the flavor of the original score. Ideal for use in smaller venues where the full orchestra would be too expensive or too big. |
Sir Arthur Sullivan Society — they have for sale online a number of recordings of Sullivan's music as well as librettos and their own publications on Sullivan and Gilbert & Sullivan topics. |
Treasures Rich and Rare — David Lovell's catalog of Gilbert and Sullivan related books, periodicals, sheet music, and collectibles. Contains many items of interest to the serious G&S collector. |
Raymond J. Walker: Sullivan CDs and Vocal Scores — A series of CDs and
vocal scores for those wishing to explore more of the background to Sir Arthur Sullivan's
music. Includes facsimile vocal scores of Kenilworth, Cox & Box (full edition), Contrabandista, The Window, The Foresters, Cups & Saucers, Castle Bang, and Carrotina. |
Wilfrid M. de Freitas, Bookseller — a large collection of Gilbert & Sullivan books and collectables, many for the serious collector. |
See also our Gilbert and Sullivan Scores page for a detailed listing of commercially published collections of scores. Scores specific to the individual operas are listed on the score sources pages for those operas, which you can access from the following links:
Page updated
September 21, 2021