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No. 17: CHORUS with SOLO
(Baroness & Ludwig)
"Your Highness, there's a party at the door"
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Enter all the Chorus, hurriedly, and in great excitement.
Chorus. |
Your Highness, there’s a party at the door – Your Highness, at the door there is a party – She says that we expect her, But we do not recollect her, For we never saw her countenance before! With rage and indignation she is rife, Because our welcome wasn’t very hearty – She’s as sulky as a super, And she’s swearing like a trooper, O, you never heard such language in your life! You never heard such language in your life! |
(Enter Baroness Von Krakenfeldt, in a fury.)
Baroness. |
With fury indescribable I burn! With rage I’m nearly ready to explode! There’ll be grief and tribulation when I learn To whom this slight unbearable is owed! For whatever may be due I’ll pay it double – There’ll be terror indescribable and trouble! With a hurly-burly and a hubble-bubble I’ll pay you for this pretty episode! |
Chorus. |
Oh, whatever may be due she’ll pay it double! – It’s very good of her to take the trouble – But we don’t know what she means by “hubble-bubble” – No doubt it’s an expression à la mode. |
Baroness. (to Ludwig) |
Do you know who I am? |
Ludwig. (examining her) |
I don’t; Your countenance I can’t fix, my dear. |
Baroness. (Showing pocket-handkerchief.) |
This proves I’m not a sham. |
Ludwig. (examining it) |
It won’t; |
Baroness. |
Express your grief profound! |
Ludwig. |
I shan’t! This tone I never allow, my love. |
Baroness. |
Rudolph at once produce! |
Ludwig. |
I can’t; He isn’t at home just now, my love. |
Baroness. (astonished) |
He isn’t at home just now! |
Chorus.(dancing derisively) |
He isn’t at home just now! He has an appointment particular, very – You’ll find him, I think, in the town cemetery; And that’s how we come to be making so merry, For he isn’t at home just now! He isn’t at home just now! |
Baroness. |
But bless my heart and soul alive, it’s impudence personified! I’ve come here to be matrimonially matrimonified! |
Ludwig. |
For any disappointment I am sorry unaffectedly, But yesterday that nobleman expired quite unexpectedly – |
Chorus. (sobbing) |
Tol the riddle lol! Tol the riddle lol! Tol the riddle, lol the riddle, lol lol lay! |
(Then laughing wildly.) |
Tol the riddle lol! Tol the riddle lol! Tol the riddle lol! lol lol lay! Tol the riddle lol, Liddle lol, liddle lol! Tol the riddle lol lay! Tol the riddle lol, Liddle lol, liddle lol! Tol the riddle lol lay! |

Page Created 19 June, 2006