Dialogue following No. 19
GRIFFENFELD. Stop! You can all go home. There will be no weddings to-day.
ALL. What do you mean?
GRIFFENFELD. I mean that you’ve all been imposed upon — deluded — cheated. The Regent is no Regent, but a common vagabond personating him. Ha! ha! ha! Here comes His Royal Highness in his true colours!
Enter REGENT in his vagabond dress. CHRISTINA runs to his arms
ERLING (to REGENT). Now, sir, the truth. Are you a prince to be worshipped or a swindler to be whipped?
REGENT. Really it’s a point upon which I’m not quite satisfied myself! I’ll think it over and let you know.
Enter the two OFFICERS
1ST OFFICER (kneeling). Sir, the enemy’s fleet has entered the Baltic, and your immediate presence at Copenhagen is indispensable. (Giving a dispatch to REGENT.)
GRIFFENFELD. Why, what’s all this? Who are these jack-a-dandies?
REGENT (reading dispatch). Merely two of my trusted officers. They bring me weighty news indeed!
GRIFFENFELD. Why, you don’t mean to tell me that you are the Regent, after all?
REGENT. The very Regent, at your service. (All kneel.)
GRIFFENFELD. I’ve made an ass of myself!
REGENT. Don’t say that. We are indebted to you for some invaluable hints for promotions, appointments, and marriage arrangements, all of which will take effect to-day — as indeed will the best and wisest of your suggestions — your permanent degradation to the ranks. (REGENT sees CHRISTINA weeping.) Why, Christina in tears!
CHRISTINA. I weep, sir, because my heart is broken, and, alas, it is your Highness’s doing, for your Highness gave me Nils Egilsson, and he has gone from me for ever!
REGENT. Nay, Christina, be not so sure of that. I have found the very love I have sought this many a year, and if my being heir to a crown is to stand in my way, why I’ll e’en be Nils Egilsson to the end!
CHRISTINA (amazed.) Sir!
REGENT. Come, Christina, what say you?
CHRISTINA. Sir, I am your Highness’s handmaid!
They retire up stage together.