Dialogue following No. 18
THORA (sighing). Oh, Nanna, they’re good fellows! I wish it was all real!
NANNA. No use wishing, dear. We’d better try and forget all about them. (Looking off.) Oh — look! All the people coming to get married!
THORA. Poor people! We — we must go and find our bridegrooms.
NANNA. Poor bridegrooms? It’s — it’s a capital joke! (About to cry.)
THORA. Capital! (Looking at NANNA’s face). Why, a real tear, I do believe!
NANNA (holding it on her finger). Yes, it’s real this time.
THORA (examining it). Funny, isn’t it?
NANNA. Very amusing.
THORA. Put it back. (NANNA does so.) All right now?
NANNA (brightly). All right now!
Exeunt in opposite directions