Dialogue following No. 15
Enter SYNDIC, now dressed in GRIFFENFELD’s uniform.
SYNDIC. When a man is promoted unexpectedly to a position of the highest official distinction, it is always a satisfactory circumstance when his figure is calculated to set off his uniform to advantage. (SENTRY presents arms to him.) Eh? Oh, thank you very much. You’re extremely polite, I’m sure!
SENTRY. Please to remember the sentry.
SYNDIC. Eh? Oh, certainly. (Gives him money.)
Enter DAME CORTLANDT unobserved. She comes forward
DAME (putting her arm round him). Mats! Little man!
SYNDIC. Eh? Oh, it’s you. Don’t. I’m busy now (Aside.) It was all very well when I was only a Syndic, but as a Governor I can look a good deal higher than this sort of person. (Aloud, to sentry.) Will you kindly do that again?
SENTRY. Certainly. (Presents arms.)
SYNDIC. Most gratifying, I’m sure! (Tips him again. DAME again embraces SYNDIC.) Now, don’t worry — can’t you see that I have business with a gentleman? (Reverts to sentry.)
DAME (suppressing her rage with difficulty). Mats! Take care! This is strange treatment — at the very outset of our engagement!
SYNDIC. But, my good soul, you speak of our engagement as if ——
DAME. Don’t deny it, Mats. I have your letter of proposal in my pocket — you have my letter of acceptance in yours! I’m trying to keep it down, Mats.
SYNDIC. But as you very properly observed, that wasn’t addressed to me but to the exGovernor.
DAME. It does just as well for you, Mats. I accepted the Governor, and you are the Governor.
SYNDIC. If it comes to that, you were proposed to by the Syndic, and I’m not the Syndic. Go find the Syndic — go seek, go find — there’s a good girl! (Reverts to sentry.) Will you oblige me once more? (Giving him money.)
DAME (heaving with suppressed rage). I’m doing my best to subdue it, Mats, but it’s a tremendous effort.
SYNDIC. Hold your breath and count six, my dear.
DAME (does so). It’s all right, dear — it’s down again!
SYNDIC (occupied with sentry). So glad!
DAME. We must settle this at once, Mats. It’s a very nice point. Shall we refer it to arbitration?
SYNDIC. By all means. I find this gentleman (indicating sentry) full of delicate appreciation — suppose we leave it to him?
DAME. You will undertake to abide by the result, Mats?
SYNDIC. With pleasure. (Aside.) I’ve tipped him till he doesn’t know whether he stands on his head or his heels!