Dialogue following No. 6
GRIFFENFELD. This is getting a little too hot to be pleasant. But this letter to the Syndic is simply providential. It’s exactly what I wanted to make my innocent little plot complete (tears it up). Now where are those two girls of mine? They ought to be back by this time. (Enter NANNA and THORA.) Oh, here you are! Well, have you seen the Syndic?
NANNA. Yes, and we’ve carried out all your instructions.
GRIFFENFELD. Good girls.
NANNA. We told him that we had the best possible reason to know that the wealthy old lady was particularly well disposed towards him, and that a declaration from him would receive polite and immediate attention.
THORA. So the silly old gentleman went off his head with joy — did extraordinary things with the office-stool, and at once wrote his declaration, and gave to us to deliver (produces it). Here it is.
GRIFFENFELD. Thank you (giving her the letter which he formerly received from DAME CORTLANDT). The old lady’s reply.
THORA. What, already?
NANNA. Wonderful invention, steam!
GRIFFENFELD. Hush! (Aside to them.) It’s the very letter in which she accepted me under seal of secrecy, when I was only Deputy Governor!
NANNA. Oh, you sly old papa!
GRIFFENFELD. Ha! ha! ha! It will do for him just as well as it did for me, and it will make him so happy!