You are here: The Gilbert and Sullivan Archive > British Musical Theatre > Rip Van Winkle > Act 2 No. 14

No. 14 - Chorus - "The Phantoms", and
Sea Song - Hudson - "Blow high, blow low"


Chorus: Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!
Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!
Rip: You're very good,
And friendly, I dare say...
But I won't intrude,
So will bid you good-day!
No, no! Don't look at me like that!
But only say what you're at?
Nothing to say? Nothing to say?
Who are you anyway? Say!
Hudson: Who are we?
Hendrick Hudson I am call'd,
From the underwaters hailing,
There you may see us sailing
To the gale close-hauled!
From Holland come our hands,
Which they no more may see;
But still the Netherlands
We claim for our countrie!
Aye, through the mist and foam,
Seek we our home! Ah!
Blow high, blow low,
Merrily o'er the deep we go,
Yo ho! Yo ho!
What care we what breezes blow?
Chorus: Blow high, blow low,
Merrily o'er the deep we go,
Yo ho! Yo ho!
Hudson: What care we...
All: What care we what breezes blow?

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British Musical Theatre | Rip Van Winkle

Page modified 29 May 2017