A Greek Slave
Dialogue Following Song No. 24 — Act II
Archias: Ah, Iris! You are too busy to make merry with the rest! I have been looking at you. Your features are more artistic in repose.
Iris: I only want you to be satisfied with them, Archias.
Archias: Yes, they are not bad. I could suggest a slight alteration of that dimple — but it's no great consequence.
Iris: I'm glad you overlook my little blemishes, Archias. You artists are so used to perfection.
Archias: But it must be a great satisfaction to a girl to be admired by an eminent sculptor. It disposes of all adverse opinions at once.
(Enter the revellers, also Curius, Flavia, Licinia, Sillius, Lollius and Cornelia, and Melanopis)
Curius: Is you mistress coming to see the slaves enjoy themselves, or is she still busy with her Eros?
Licinia: He's a lucky man to have secured the affection that all these gentlemen were pining for.
(Men shrug their shoulders)
Iris: Perhaps he is not so lucky, after all. The Princess may get tired of him.
Lollius: Serve him right for aspiring too high!
Iris: His pride may have a fall if he thinks too much of himself, like the frog in the fable.

Page created 06 December 2001