Dialogue following No. 7
CAT (to ALICE). How do you like the Queen?
ALICE. Not at all. She’s extremely - (QUEEN comes beside her) polite. (QUEEN smiles and passes on)
KING. Who are you talking to?
ALICE. It’s a friend of mine, a Cheshire Cat.
KING. A Cheshire Cat?
ALICE. Allow me to introduce it.
KING. I don’t like the look of it at all. However it may kiss my hand if it likes.
CAT. I’d rather not.
KING. Don’t be impertinent, and don’t look at me like that. (gets behind QUEEN)
ALICE. A cat may look at a King.
KING. Well it must be removed. (to QUEEN) My dear, I wish you would have this cat removed.
QUEEN. Off with his head.
KING. Hi! Executioner.
KNAVE. Here he is.
KING. Off with that cat’s head.
EXECUTIONER. Can’t be done.
QUEEN. What!
EXECUTIONER. You can’t cut a head off unless there’s a body to cut it off from. I never had to do such a thing before and I’m not going to begin at my time of life.