You are here: The Gilbert and Sullivan Archive > American Musical Theatre > The Royal Vagabond > Act 2 No. 13

No. 13 - Finale Act II


Soldiers: We're here to fight the royal crowd,
We're regular comic op'ra soldiers.
We'll jail tonight the royal crowd,
We're regular comic op'ra soldiers.
Take him away! Take him away!
To the King's Head jail, away!
He is our prisoner,
He is our prisoner,
Away! away! away!
Anitza: Down to the Crown I kneel,
I to the Prince appealed,
And he appealed to the Queen!
Op'ra, comic op'ra,
Like the Gilbert and Sullivan days.
Op'ra, comic op'ra,
Good old-time comic op'ra,
Gone for ever and aye;
Words by Gilbert and tunes by Sullivan,
Op'ra, comic op'ra, they produced it so proper,
Makes one feel old,
No more real old op'ra, comic op'ra,
Since the Gilbert and Sullivan days.
Chorus: In a kingdom of our own,
With little Cupid on the throne,
Men: With a Prince and Princess on my knee;
Girls: You'll be as happy as a king can be,
All: Ev'ry afternoon at three
We'll sit and sip our royal tea.
Men: I'll be the K-I-N-G then,
Girls: I'll be the Q-U double-E-N,
All: And we'll live and love alone,
So H-A-P-P-Y we'll be
In the kingdom of our own.
All: In a kingdom of our own,
With little Cupid on the throne,
Men: With a Prince and Princess on my knee;
Girls: You'll be as happy as a king can be,
All: Ev'ry afternoon at three
We'll sit and sip our royal tea.
Men: I'll be the K-I-N-G then,
Girls: I'll be the Q-U double-E-N,
All: And we'll live and love alone,
So H-A-P-P-Y we'll be
In the kingdom of our own.

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American Musical Theatre | The Royal Vagabond

Page modified 19 May 2017