You are here: The Gilbert and Sullivan Archive > American Musical Theatre > The Little Tycoon > Act 1 No. 13

No. 13 - Solo - General Knickerbocker with Chorus


Knickerbocker: Oh! don't you see how
We hold our breath when they begin,
With not so much a word or bow
To clean us out and scoop things in.
They scoop our pipes, snuffs,
Puffs, bangs and wigs, our muffs and cuffs,
Shoes, boots and hose, our gloves and ruffs,
Unless some gold may show.
Oh! what a go!
Chorus: An elevated man on the elevated plan
Keeps all he gets, and gets all he can.
He walks right through you with a grin,
And leaves you stripped, too thin, too thin.
Oh, here's a go! Oh, here's a go!
Knickerbocker: Things once were not thus;
'Twas when I was a young boy;
Then what we own belonged to us,
But now they scoop our smallest toy.
They scoop our pipes, snuffs,
Puffs, bangs and wigs, our muffs and cuffs,
Shoes, boots and hose, our gloves and ruffs,
Unless some gold may show.
Oh! what a go!
Chorus: An elevated man on the elevated plan
Keeps all he gets, and gets all he can.
He walks right through you with a grin,
And leaves you stripped, too thin, too thin.
Oh, here's a go! Oh, here's a go!

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American Musical Theatre | The Little Tycoon

Page modified 7 May 2017